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About MFA Index

MFA Index is an online platform started by a consortium of MFA programs to showcase the work of their graduates whose studies were impacted by COVID-19.

The founding MFA programs are:
ArtCenter Graduate Art Department
California Institute of the Arts
Columbia University School of the Arts
Otis College of Art and Design
UPenn Weitzman School of Design
UCLA Department of Art
UChicago Department of Visual Arts
Yale School of Art

If you are an MFA student at one of the above schools and would like to participate, contact your department administrator to request to be added.

The platform is also now open to additional MFA programs. If you would like your school to join, or have any questions, contact us using this form.

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Site by R&R Studio

MFA IndexLuiza DaleSophie Roessler

Jae Hwan Lim 임재환

2021 DMZ FORUM 2021 DMZ 포럼 English (3:03:41): 한국어 (3:03:41): The Global Challenge to End the Korean War and Establish Peace on the Peninsula 한반도 종전 평화, 세계가 함께 풀어야 할 과제 The Korean War was a military confrontation between the two forces in the early days of the Cold War. The Korean Peninsula has been in a state of armistice for more than 70 years and becomes a region under constant nuclear threat, beyond a conventional arms race, thereby driving the militarization of Northeast Asia. Ending the state of war and building peace on the Korean Peninsula will be possible through the support and engagement of not only its residents but also the international community. We will examine why the world should come together to end the state of war and build peace on the Korean Peninsula and discuss ways to work side by side. 한국전쟁은 냉전 초기 벌어진 진영 간 국제적 대결의 장이었다. 70년 넘게 휴전 상태가 이어진 한반도는 재래식 군비 경쟁을 넘어 핵 위협이 상존하는 지역이 되었으며, 동북아시아의 군사화를 추동 해왔다. 한반도 종전 평화는 한반도 주민뿐만 아니라, 전 세계 시민들의 지지와 참여를 통해 이룰 수 있을 것이다. 한반도 종전 평화를 왜 세계가 함께 풀어야 하는지 살펴보고 함께 행동할 수 있는 방안을 논의하고자 한다. Host | Gyeonggi Province, Northeast Asia Economic Association 주최 | 경기도, 동북아평화경제협회

2021 DMZ 포럼

English (3:03:41):
한국어 (3:03:41):

The Global Challenge to End the Korean War and Establish Peace on the Peninsula
한반도 종전 평화, 세계가 함께 풀어야 할 과제

The Korean War was a military confrontation between the two forces in the early days of the Cold War. The Korean Peninsula has been in a state of armistice for more than 70 years and becomes a region under constant nuclear threat, beyond a conventional arms race, thereby driving the militarization of Northeast Asia. Ending the state of war and building peace on the Korean Peninsula will be possible through the support and engagement of not only its residents but also the international community. We will examine why the world should come together to end the state of war and build peace on the Korean Peninsula and discuss ways to work side by side.

한국전쟁은 냉전 초기 벌어진 진영 간 국제적 대결의 장이었다. 70년 넘게 휴전 상태가 이어진 한반도는 재래식 군비 경쟁을 넘어 핵 위협이 상존하는 지역이 되었으며, 동북아시아의 군사화를 추동 해왔다. 한반도 종전 평화는 한반도 주민뿐만 아니라, 전 세계 시민들의 지지와 참여를 통해 이룰 수 있을 것이다. 한반도 종전 평화를 왜 세계가 함께 풀어야 하는지 살펴보고 함께 행동할 수 있는 방안을 논의하고자 한다.

Host | Gyeonggi Province, Northeast Asia Economic Association
주최 | 경기도, 동북아평화경제협회

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